Feedage.com RSS Directory Newsletter.
Newsletter June 2011 Issue No. 14
More changes to focus on Quality RSS Feeds
We have put recaptcha on our html2rss and blender tools.
This was needed to cut down on the large number of people using automated tools to create URL link farms with these tools. While we understand and support the SEO aspects of Feedage.com our primary mission is to provide a high Quality categorized RSS Feed directory.
Unfortunately this will add more burden to our legitimate users. We feel this is needed to ensure we keep only high Quality RSS Feeds in our directory.
- 11,255,646 Feeds
492,120 Users
2,562,297 Feeds have been subscribed to by users
126,907,400 Feeds have been previewed
Need ideas on becoming more Green, check out this month's spotlight feed:
Please contact us with any feedback or questions: Mark Savoca
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